Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Home in a couple of weeks :)

No takers for the cat yet :(
Why, oh why do I get myself in these situations.....
I will never rescue a tiny little sick kitten again! Even if it was facing imminent death!
It's been playing on my mind all the time lately and making me feel pretty upset.
If only it wasn't for the English quarantine laws we would take her home with us.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Too true

We are sailing!

Well, motoring mostly.......

Mikes almost forgotten how to use the chart plotter haha

This morning dawned an almost cloudless sky so we decided to go for it.
We reached the giddy heights of almost 1.6 knots - well, there was only 4 knots of wind so we didn't bother putting the main up.

in honour of St. Pirans' day

Needless to say, we were soon back on the pontoon....

and Scabby couldn't wait to get back to playing with the kids!

I'm sure gonna miss ole Scabs

wash out!

The climax of the carnival - the main parade - was held last night accompanied by torrential rain. More rain than we have seen since we left the UK last summer.

The parade of floats went on for 7 hours!!

Everyone put on a brave face, despite the weather...

Unlike in the Azores there seem to be no religious connotations here - just an excuse to dress up and get absolutely rat-arsed. We thought the floats were quite disappointing actually....

Unlike the drag queens :)

In other news.... the toenail I lost recently has begun to grow back nicely.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

A change in the weather

Today it's been cloudy and quite cold. Pretty miserable actually.

Seems like a long time since we did this.....

We've decided to sell the boat.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

It's all good

To all who are concerned....the engine is fixed. Happily it was nothing serious (just me over-dramatising again)

nice eh?

This is my new bracelet made by my friend Marjeolein (age 9)

And this is an LED bulb. These bulbs are very good because they use tiny amounts of electricity. Just what you need on a boat. We bought this from a Chinese shop in Las Palmas for 3.90 Euros.

There seems to be quite a big Chinese population here. Lots of Chinese shops too  (a bit like £ shops in UK)
Full of crap probably but hey, most things are made in China these days anyway.....(even my kindle!)

another day

that's Mike miles ahead of me.....as usual

Small Dave (as opposed to Big Dave) decided to check his anodes (don't worry readers it's nothing life-threatening)
And he found that they are almost gone! in only six months!!
This prompted a flurry of men in the marina to don flippers and snorkels to have a look at theirs....

Trina with the new anode - I made her smile for the photo

Anyways, with Dave being very inventive an' all he decided to rig up a special snorkelling kit with an electric pump to push the air down to him whilst doing the job. Sounded barking to me but there you go.

Daves equipment

he looks a bit worried...
He's not known as 'Dangerous Dave' for nothing you know.

Me, I just went to the beach.....

admiring the view :)