Monday 13 December 2010

And another thing.....

You know how when you download something on your computer it tells you how many minutes there is to go before it's finished? And it starts off with, say, four minutes and you think - oh okay.... then in two minutes time you look to see how it's getting on and it says ten minutes left! WTF?!

Well we got something equally as annoying on the boat. It's called a 'chart plotter' and for the uninitiated it's a little computer type gizmo with a screen that has a map on it of where you are in real time (think Satnav for boats). It's powered by GPS (global positioning satellite) and it also calculates how long it's gonna take you to get to where you tell it you are going (still with me?)

Dusk - somewhere in the Atlantic
So, one minute you're feeling happy 'cos you're flying along at 7.5 knots and it says you're going to reach your destination in 5 hours and you can almost taste the G&T, sitting in the cockpit under the late afternoon sun, ice clinking in the glass as the boat gently... you get the picture?
Then next minute, bang! the wind drops and your speed is down to 5 knots and it's suddenly become 15 hours, or something ridiculous, till you arrive. Grrrr

He will be snoring all too soon.....

Mike has been a little, how shall we say....'overenthusiastic' with the old beer intake tonight. Probably a reaction to being back in a place where every other establishment along the street is a bar.

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