Monday 27 December 2010

Decision time is approaching

Well, that's another Christmas done and dusted.
So! What do we do now?
It's fast becoming time to we stay or do we go.
Life here is very pleasant but not outstanding.
The weather is certainly better than at home. But it is still winter and subject to change.
The cost of living is now no cheaper than back home except for tobacco (and we don't smoke) and alcohol (how much can you drink? No, don't answer that!)
We could leave the boat in the marina and come home and get back to work (if there is any such thing left in the UK)
That would mean finding a new home for the cat or abandoning it to the vagaries of life as a feral in Las Palmas :(
Then come back to resume cruising and head home in the spring/summer.
We could always just stay in the Canaries on the boat (with cat) then come home next spring/summer
(and probably go ga-ga in the meantime - well I would anyway)
Or, the sane persons solution would be to cross the atlantic and have a wonderful few months sailing around the tropical paradise that is the caribbean.......before heading home next summer.
Ha, a no brainer I hear you shout.
There is a small snag (isn't there always?)
There is no way that I am sailing on a yacht across the atlantic. Full stop.
I have discovered on this trip that I bloody hate sailing!
Mike is toying with the idea of going alone.......not sure whether that's a good idea or not but hey, hundreds of people do it every year.
I am feeling quite stressed about the whole issue but I know in my heart of hearts that I just can't do it.
When the boat hasn't moved for a week or two I sometimes get quite brave and think, hey how bad could it be??? but as soon as we go anywhere which involves an overnight sail I'm reminded.....
Feeling a complete failure :(

PS. and there was a cockroach in my cabin last night!!


  1. The no brainer to me is, find a crew for Mike and get the boat to the Carib. This way everyone is happy. The weather here makes this a no brainer for me, plus the quality of available jobs (or should I say lack of).
    But in the long run your heart will tell you what is best for you and Mike's will say what is best for him and I am sure a suitable compromise will be found. Nice problem to have! ;-). Heather

  2. As Heather says, you may never - ever - be in the same place again i.e. no job, no ties, perfect location and season, boat ready to go, cruising the Carib is magical. Post a request for crew on crewseekers (you could even cover some of the costs and you'd probably get a semi pro crew. Don't rot in a marina for the winter. Best of luck.

  3. We're not going. The captain has 'issues' with taking crew. I'm not up to it. He's not wanting to go alone. At least we have been before.......
